Nature Walks

Remember your place in the natural world

Get to know your ecological neighbors

There are many reasons one might be called to participate in a nature walk with Wilder. Maybe you’re interested in food systems and becoming more self-reliant. Perhaps you want to get to know your plant, animal, and fungal neighbors and learn their ecological roles within the greater picture. Maybe you want to learn more about the medicinal attributes of the landscape around you.

Whatever the reason, learning to identify, sustainably interact with, and relate to the beings around us is a gift that pays dividends throughout one’s life

I love to walk on land with folks who want to learn more about the species and systems that are their neighbors. Together we can explore private property, which is a great way to get to know more about the place you live, or public lands or private property for which I have access permission. This offering is great for anything from an organizational retreat wanting to ground their experience in Place, a group of friends interested in sharing an afternoon together, or for your own individual edification.

A guided walk with Wilder was the perfect experience to help wake up to the world of which I’m a part… The walk was simple, challenging, thorough, fascinating, and respectful.

Karen, Nature Walk Client

1 Hour Private Nature Walk


This is a private walk for one person. Beforehand, Wilder and you will have a brief conversation about your experience level and interests, so that they can tailor this session to your needs and curiosities.

2 Hour Private Nature Walk


Take a little longer to get to know the land. We’ll have the opportunity to walk a little further and meet new species, as well as go in depth more into your interests (identification, foraging, processing, medicinal uses, ecological roles, etc.)

Additional people per walk beyond the initial participant will be counted at $25/head