Engage and Connect

…With our ecological neighbors

…With ancestral practices

Explore the fascinating and ephemeral world of fungi through private instruction from an experienced guide

Learn about our ecological neighbors, and see the world around you with new eyes

Live into a grounded relationship with food and satiate your body by learning about nutrition through a lens of “what is species-appropriate?”

Connect with our ancestral lineages through the practices of natural dyeing, knitting, weaving, and making cord

The plants, animals, and fungi around us are our community members, and make up the web of life that sustains us. As we walk, I can also share about the less “charismatic” or “popular” folks in the other kingdoms of life, such as bacteria (a category which includes the single-celled progenitor of all life on this planet), protists (like slime mold), monera (like blue green algae), and archaea (such as those found in your own body’s microbiomes). And those kingdoms can’t even contain the symbiotes within or between these categories, like lichens. In each guided experience, I share about these species and systems through a lens of connecting with and celebrating the ecosystems through which we are sustained and toward which we are individually and collectively responsible.

I am gratified to share what I can about some of the skills practices that my and/or all of our ancestral lineages have participated in, which to me includes developing a healthy and supportive relationship with food. Some other skills I share about include: fiber arts, gathering/preserving/preparing/enjoying wild foods, making medicines and salves, slaughtering and butchering animal bodies that we may bring them into our own, turning plant into cord, fermenting foods with a variety of wild microbes, and gathering together in song or movement. Not only are these practices exciting and interesting, but when I do them, I feel connected to the both my blood-and-bone ancestors as well as many others who contributed to my being who I am. It’s a powerful experience that words alone can’t convey.


Join in community through a workshop designed to inspire your creativity and deepen your connection to ancestral skills practices.

Opportunities and items inspired by place

In the shop, you’ll find:

  • • Prints and t-shirts that bring a celebration of the beings of Northern California into your or a loved one’s home
  • • Mushroom and lichen dye kits for creating vibrant colors to yarn and silk
  • • Naturally-dyed skeins of yarn, all hand-dyed and usually one-of-a-kind
  • • Tickets to upcoming workshops and virtual workshop downloads

Client Testimonials

A guided walk with Wilder was the perfect experience to help wake up to the world of which I’m a part… When we spend time observing how another human observes, we get to look at our world with new eyes.



Land Walk Client

It was an incredible adventure, a Saturday afternoon well spent, and I felt safe and comfortable with Wilder leading the way.



Mushroom Foraging Client